The Krissy Krash Podcast
The Krissy Krash Podcast
The Honest Truth About The Road From Aspiring Athlete to Allstar with Peacewar
So you wanna be an all-star do ya?
Let's be real, it is easy to fall in love with roller derby.
What is NOT easy is turning that LOVE for the sport into actual TALENT.
And I think it is important to understand what it takes to go down the road of pursuing roller derby greatness.
From my own aspiring athlete to all-star journey I learned that there were 3 KEY THINGS I had to surrender to in order to elevate my own athleticism.
1. Surrender to the process.
You're going to suck... until you don't. This may take some people longer than others but each skill and strategy must be learned and your pace is up to you.
2. Surrender to the lifestyle.
Becoming a badass athlete involves living life like a badass athlete. Workouts, fuel, rest. Doing the things you need to do even when you don't feel like doing them.
3. Surrender to the team.
You won't get very far being an individual skater. You might look cool on the track, blasting jammers into outer space but as you elevate to the highest levels of derby, solo players don't win games. Teams do.
There are many hero's journeys of little fresh meat who made it all the way to the top and I am honored to bring you a podcast with one of the derby greats, Peacewar. In this podcast, we dive into what it truly took to go from newbie to Texas Rollergirls all-star.
You can connect with Peacewar here:
Instagram: @peacewar27
Facebook: ruth peace williams
Athlete Facebook page: peacewar#27
PS The 21-day Elevated Athlete New Years Challenge enrollment is open NOW!
CLICK HERE for details, space is limited
If you want to start down the path of being a powerful athlete on the track and in life click here to apply for Krash Course (here you can book your strategy call mentioned in the Podcast).
We breed athletes, MVP's, and badasses in our proven system that has helped over 500 people level up their game.
Follow me on Instagram for daily derby tips, tricks, and motivation @krissykrash